You've been hacked. What's your next step? ESKA is here to assist you.

With a frequency of one vulnerability report every five minutes, hackers are constantly alerting organisations. If your organisation receives a message from a hacker, ESKA is there to guide you through the necessary actions, including communication and remediation.

Here are the first steps to take after a cyber attack

If you've been hacked, the incident management process becomes crucial to mitigate the impact and recover from the breach as quickly and effectively as possible. Here's a basic sequence of steps that should be followed:

Incident Reporting

If you believe that your system has been compromised, it is essential to promptly notify your cybersecurity team or service provider. The initial report should provide comprehensive details about your observations or any suspicious activities you have encountered.

Incident Assessment

The cybersecurity team or service provider will assess the report, gathering more information if necessary. This process involves identifying the symptoms, the potential scale of the breach, and the systems or data that may have been compromised.

Incident Categorization and Prioritization

The incident will be classified according to its nature and the impact it has on the organization. It will then be prioritized based on the severity of the incident and the critical importance of the affected systems or data.


The topmost concern is to control the breach in order to avoid any additional harm. This might include isolating impacted systems, modifying passwords, or temporarily halting specific services.

Investigation and Root Cause Analysis

A forensic analysis will be carried out to ascertain the cause of the breach and identify the weaknesses or vulnerabilities that were exploited.

Eradication and Recovery

After identifying the source of the breach, the team will eliminate the hacker's presence from your systems and address the identified vulnerabilities by patching or mitigating them. Efforts will be made to restore affected systems to their normal operation, and if feasible, any lost data will be recovered from backups.

Incident Closure and Documentation

Once the incident is resolved, it will be formally closed. All details about the incident, the response actions, and the lessons learned will be thoroughly documented for future reference.

Post-Incident Analysis and Improvement

This review will pinpoint opportunities to enhance your security posture and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The incident response team will offer recommendations to bolster your security measures, such as updating security protocols, implementing new security tools, providing staff training, and other relevant measures.


Effective communication is paramount throughout the entire process. It is vital to provide regular updates to pertinent stakeholders, outlining the nature of the issue, the actions being taken, the anticipated timeline for the restoration of services to normalcy, and any interim steps they can take. 

How ESKA can help you?

ESKA service provides a unique solution for situations when your company has been hacked. The client assistance process is divided into several stages:

Contact with the security provider

At this first stage, you contact us, informing about the incident. We respond and provide initial recommendations for ensuring safety and minimizing possible damage.
If ESKA is not yet your security provider, submit a request to rectify this unfortunate situation.
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Situation assessment

Our cybersecurity team begins to study the incident to understand its scale and possible consequences. This process may include system analysis, data and information gathering, and evaluation of your current protective measures.

Remediation plan development

As soon as we understand what happened, we begin to develop a strategy to eliminate the vulnerability and restore operations. This may include fixing weak points, updating protective systems, training personnel, and other necessary measures.

Plan execution

This stage involves the implementation of the plan proposed by our team. We work directly with your team to ensure all measures are executed correctly and effectively.

Monitoring and reporting

After the incident is resolved, we continue monitoring to ensure long-term security and prevent recurrence of similar incidents. We also provide reports with detailed information about the incident, completed actions, and recommendations for the future.

Post-incident analysis and recommendations

We conduct an analysis of what happened and draw conclusions about how to improve security processes. Based on this analysis, our team develops and offers detailed recommendations to improve your security system to prevent similar incidents in the future. These recommendations may include updating protective measures, introducing new technologies, improving processes, and training staff.

These certifications not only showcase our high level of competence and professionalism, but also demonstrate our commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest industry standards and best practices. Our exceptional team of professionals holds prestigious certifications, such as: 


ESKA Can Help

Don't assume a security breach won't happen to you. The average client organization experienced some 54 million security events. This suggests you might already have encountered a cyberattack without even knowing about it!
ESKA can identify and fix vulnerabilities at their root within your organization. With our application, network, physical, and IoT device penetration tests, our team of experts has the suite of defensive tools necessary to secure your business.
Schedule a consultation to speak directly with one of our security experts about your unique needs.



On this block, you will find answers to the most popular questions of our customers. Didn’t find what you need? Just send us a request.

  • How identify that I'd been hacked?

    Six Signs You've Been Hacked.
    The 2017 X-Force Index identified these top indicators of compromise (IOCs):
    1. Unusual outbound network traffic
    2. Anomalies in privileged user account activity
    3. Large numbers requests for the same file
    4. Geographical irregularities
    5. Database extractions
    6. Unexpected patching of systems
    Profile network traffic patterns to gauge what's "normal" for your organization so you can better document attack tools and methods if the need arises.

  • How I can stop a data breache after hacking?

    1. Identify The Type Of Cyber Attack
    Identifying the type of attack that occurred will help you understand how the attackers gained access to your systems and what they may have done.
    2. Contain And Assess
    Containing and assessing the attack is a critical step in cyber attack recovery. This may involve disconnecting from the internet or taking other measures to prevent further damage, as directed by your IT provider. Assessment includes identifying any sensitive data that may have been compromised and determining the impact of the breach on your business operations.
    3. Stop using any infected equipment. When you discover a breach, you should immediately stop using any device that has been compromised and physically disconnect any internet connections. This will not only help preserve evidence for an investigation, but also prevent further breaches in the short term.4. Adapt Your Cybersecurity Awareness Training
    Cybersecurity awareness training is an important part of preventing cyber attacks. After a cyber attack occurs, you need to review your training program and make sure it is up-to-date.
    5. Conduct Frequent Data Backups
    Data backups are essential for cyber attack recovery. You should conduct regular backups and store them off-site in a secure location.