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Wazuh - security platform with SIEM and XDR capabilities

Wazuh offers an open source integrated platform that combines advanced threat detection, incident response, and regulatory compliance into a single solution. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Wazuh equips you with the tools you need to secure your infrastructure.


Endpoint and Cloud Workload Protection  

Wazuh is combine separate functions into in a single agent architecture and open source security platform.

Endpoint Security

 Configuration Assessment Malware Detection File integrity monitoring

Threat Intelligence 

 Threat hunting Log data analysis Vulnerability detection

Security Operations

 Incident Response Compliance IT hygiene

Cloud Security

 Container Security Cloud security management(CSPM) Container Security

Key Features of Wazuh Security Platform

    Intrusion Detection (IDS/IPS): Wazuh monitors system activity and security logs in real time, detecting suspicious behavior that may indicate an intrusion.
    Event Correlation: The platform analyzes and integrates information from different sources to detect complex attacks, enabling a more effective response to them.
    Log Analysis: Wazuh excels in detailed log analysis, helping users understand system activity and respond promptly to incidents.
    Vulnerability Management: By identifying and evaluating potential system weaknesses, Wazuh helps strengthen security by predicting vulnerabilities that an attacker can exploit.

    Сompliance and Reporting: The platform generates detailed reports to help organizations meet security standards.
    Scalability and Integration: Wazuh can be easily extended with additional modules and integrated with other security tools.
    Scalable and Flexible Architecture: Wazuh offers a scalable architecture for different needs, whether in small or large environments, on-premises or in the cloud.
    Correlation and Threat Intelligence: The platform uses advanced threat correlation and intelligence mechanisms to improve the accuracy of threat detection.

Active XDR protection against modern threats

The Wazuh Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platform provides a comprehensive security solution that detects, analyzes, and responds to threats at multiple levels of the IT infrastructure. Wazuh collects telemetry from endpoints, network devices, cloud workloads, third-party APIs, and other sources for unified security monitoring and protection.

A comprehensive SIEM solution

Wazuh's Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution provides monitoring, detection, and notification of security events and incidents.
Wazuh collects event data from various sources such as endpoints, network devices, cloud workloads, and applications for broader security coverage.


SOC as a Service from ESKA 

At ESKA, our cybersecurity experts take the reins of your infrastructure security, ensuring you have a fully functioning Security Operations Center (SOC) without the need for additional investment in tools, space, or staff. With ESKA's SOC as a Service, you can focus on your core business while we handle the complexities of cybersecurity. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your security is managed by industry professionals dedicated to keeping your data safe and secure.

Wazuh for SOC

Wazuh is an excellent tool for Security Operations Centers (SOCs), offering capabilities that enhance the SOC's ability to detect, analyze, respond to, and recover from security threats. Here’s how Wazuh supports SOC operations:

Real-time Detection and Monitoring

Wazuh provides continuous and real-time monitoring of system and network activities, enabling the SOC team to detect threats as they occur. Its agent-based model ensures that data from across the environment, including cloud, on-premises, and hybrid systems, is collected and analyzed efficiently.

 Threat Intelligence Integration

 Wazuh integrates with various threat intelligence platforms, enhancing its detection capabilities with information on known threats, such as indicators of compromise (IoCs), malicious IPs, domains, and URLs. This information is crucial for SOC teams in assessing the nature and severity of alerts.

Comprehensive Data Analysis

With advanced rule-based analysis engine, Wazuh can process vast amounts of data, identifying suspicious activities and security incidents. This allows SOC analysts to focus on investigating and responding to true positives, rather than sifting through irrelevant data.

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Incident Response and Automation

Wazuh supports automated responses to certain types of alerts, which can help reduce the time to respond to incidents. SOC teams can configure active responses, such as isolating compromised systems, blocking malicious traffic, or disabling user accounts, helping to contain threats quickly.

Compliance and Configuration Assessment

SOC team often plays a role in ensuring that the organization meets regulatory compliance and security best practices. Wazuh’s configuration assessment capabilities enable the SOC to monitor compliance with standards such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, and more, providing reports and alerts on non-compliance and misconfigurations.

Scalability and Integration

Wazuh can monitor thousands of endpoints across multiple environments. Its ability to integrate with other security tools, such as SIEM systems, ticketing systems, and orchestration tools, allows for a seamless workflow within the SOC.

Visualization and Reporting

The Wazuh dashboard, built on top of Kibana, offers a powerful interface for visualizing data and alerts. SOC analysts can use it to gain insights into the security posture, investigate incidents, and generate reports for internal and external stakeholders.

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Forensics and Root Cause Analysis

Following an incident, SOC teams can use Wazuh to gather forensic data, helping to understand how the breach occurred and to identify the root cause. This information is critical for preventing future incidents.

World-class Support & Expertise from ESKA

ESKA experts help you to optimize and customize Wazuh to the needs of your business.

Development of architecture and requirements.

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SOC team training and consultation.

Support and helping with writing rules, log parsers, triggers, response scripts.

Contact our experts

ESKA experts will help you integrate the security platform into your infrastructure and walk you through every step of this journey, from initial setup to ongoing management and optimization. Contact us today and get the tools and people to work for you.